Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Have a lovely day

Hi Everyone,
I hope that you are all well.
I am fine and much happier as between my ipad, and two computers, I am beginning to get this blog up and maybe running. I do not know how to get the things to follow me on facebook etc, up, but at least I n ow have something more then I had.
I should be tidying up today, but knocked my head hard on a cupboard corner,so am using that as an excuse to rather work on my computers and do some crafting.
I hope that you all have a fantastic day.
Hope to be back later with a crafty post.
Love and best wishes.

Saturday, 7 March 2015


Hi Everyone,
well here I go again, still can't add gadgets, but am going to keep blog going anyway. Perhaps one of you knows why I can't get into gadgets to set my blog up, any idea's would be great fully received.
I am going to be doing some crafting, probably today and tomorrow, so maybe I will be able to get them up and show you what I have done.
I am sitting at my computer in my craft room/office, and feeling very loved and spoilt, as hubby has told me I am to do what I like over the weekend as it is a big cycle race in Cape Town tomorrow and we can't get out as the roads are closed around us for the cycle race, not that we mind, we love staying at home. I do my computer stuff and Lovey goes into the workshop and makes things, either for orders or for our house and kitchen.
Well I am waffling on here, about nothing in particular, so I had better stop and put this on.
I hope that you all have a wonderful day and weekend.
Great big hugs to everyone.
Love and best wishes.